Friday, December 1, 2006

Planktos Launches Gift Purchases

I'm lucky in my family. Each year, we draw a name out of a hat and spend our time creating one special, meaningful gift for a member of the extended family. This is a great way to relieve some of the pressure, both financial and otherwise, of the holiday season. But other friends, co-workers and loved ones always end up on the list.

We don't need more stuff. There has been a running joke in my family that we should get rid of each others excess things each year instead of contributing to the clutter.

This year, I plan to help my family get rid of something much more important. I will be purchasing Planktos Ecosystem Restoration Credits - Carbon offsets that do more than help the air. By capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through open ocean ecosystem restoration, Planktos is able to provide a gift that is invaluable for the air and the oceans, as well as being incredibly affordable. (for more information, check out the FAQs about iron addition ocean restoration here)

For between $5-$50 you can give a gift that will help, rather than hinder the earth, this holiday season. Just visit

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